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How to Let Go of the Past: 15 Insights From My Journey

How to Let Go of the Past: 15 Insights From My Journey

Hello You!

As we walk within our journey within each chapter; change is a constant and sometimes can be difficult to embrace. The experiences we have had and past our perspectives of ourselves may linger in our minds and in turn cause us to question ourselves in the future.

Letting go doesn’t have to mean we have to forget about our experiences and what we have been through to get here.

It can mean to make peace and heal from those experiences and understand we did everything we could in those moments with the knowledge we had at the time.

Now we have more tools and perspectives we can utilize in the future; to able to use them as needed. Being present is how we can use our new skills; and keep our minds and souls open to the gifts coming our way.

Embracing and letting go will forever be a part of life. My hope is some of my insights can one day help you navigate through to the necessary action to let go of the past.


                 She Is You


15 Insights on How to Let Go of the Past

1.Acknowledging the weight of the past

From acknowledging the weight of the past, I have to be present with my feelings. It becomes an opportunity for self-love; by putting an arm around my shoulder and allowing myself to feel those feelings and acknowledge they do matter.

2.Embrace the power of acceptance

Acceptance is a part of the healing of letting go. By accepting what has occurred I get to see things from an eagle eye view. A clearer view where I can see all angles that I am included; and now I am able to learn from it.

Acknowledging My Feelings Is An Opportunity of Self-Love

3.Shift your perspective on regret

This is area I put more focus on then others. The feeling of shame and regret is something I currently struggle with. It can feel all-consuming until I Realized whatever I am harping on; I need to spend time talking and walking myself though it.

Teaching myself perfection isn’t necessary to be loved or required. We can have a better understanding of past decisions and find that forgiveness and love will be the replacement of shame and regret.

4. Practice self-compassion

Say ” I love you.” every time the thoughts of self-hatred, embarrassment, and lack of worthiness comes into your mind. You are a human being, and you deserve to be loved through all matters of life. Guess what ” You don’t have to wait for someone to do it for you!”

Young women sleeping peacefully

5. Cultivate a present-centered mindset

To be clear you have to be here. Grounding techniques by Zen Holisitc’s have been a great starting point for me when centering myself in the moment. What I have gravitated towards is the 54321 Grounding exercise listed as number 15 within listed techniques.

6. Learn from past mistakes

Life is meant to be a classroom. We come out into the world unaware and unknowing to what is to come. I came to understanding the first 23 years of my life was dedicated to what I have seen and was taught.

I am now within a stage if my life where I can make decisions based on what I have been teaching myself and exposing myself to. Like any student, in am bound to make a mistake or wish for a different outcome.

I’ve been working on considering the blessing of waking up to a new day; and getting my chance to try it again.

7.Disconnect from triggers

“I’m triggered, when I see your face, Triggered, when I hear your name! Triggered, I am not okay! You need to stay out my way!” Jhene Aiko Lyrics from song titled Triggered. conveys the message whatever it is triggering these thoughts and frustration; take the time to disconnect.

Allow the mind and spirit settle the turmoil inside. Shoot take a break if need be; we don’t have to figure it out today.

perfection Isn’t necessary to be loved or required.

8. Rediscover your passions

When letting go of the past. I give myself something to grab on to next. My go is creating something. Whether if it is a business venture, crocheting, painting, or doing a new hairstyle. I give myself new things to look forward to as the past fades away.

9. Develop healthy coping mechanisms

Having coping mechanism that redirect our minds from the negative thoughts we are having is key.

Taking a step away from what is upsetting me. Journaling my thoughts on the matter. Breathing exercises and listening to music opposite of my emotions.

I find staying ahead of those moments help me as well. Having morning routines or focusing on activities that make me happy and feel good about myself really helps me a lot as well. I feel more balance and prepare to take care of myself when spiraling is in the horizon.

Notepad with targets and a cup of tea on a wooden background.

10. Focus on personal growth

When having introspective moments; allowing space for permission to learn and grow from the past keeps my head high. Giving myself permission to grow makes me less hard on myself.

It changes the expectations of being right; and now being able to see that I have the right to learn and grow no matter the outcome.

11. Foster positive relationships

This is one of my favorite actions to take when letting go of the past. For me it doesn’t just resonate to making new friendship. I found mentorship in people I admire, whether they signed up for it or not lol.

I take what I am seeing and hearing and add it to myself. Surrounding myself with people that showcase the place I want to be in; gives me hope and place of action for my positive thoughts.

12. Engage in mindfulness and meditation

“Breathe Girl”-She is You

Sometimes you have to just sit back and close your eyes and breathe.

Breathe through the anxiety, breathe through the stress, breathe through the heart ache, Breathe through the disappointment and Breathe through the tears.

Quite the mind and allow the silence comfort you and give yourself a break.

Breathe through the anxiety, breathe through the stress, Breathe through the heart ache, Girl Just Breathe.

13. Write a closure letter to yourself

What I didn’t get to hear from others; I create a space for me to hear it from myself.

I feel much better talking to myself and giving the me the words I need to move forward; then hearing it coming from someone else who doesn’t have any regards to my feelings. ” Mhm Think about it.”

14. Set future Goals and Intentions

Nothing gets me going more than a new goal. It turns my focus completely in a different direction. I write it down, construct a plan of action, or figure it out as I go.

I validate myself by achieving my goals. It also teaches me about moving through discomforts while moving forward. Knowing what I want for myself is on the other side of this moment; inspires me to keep going.

girl with arms up in excitement surrounded by a celebrating people

15. Celebrate Progress and Small Wins 

You better give yourself a high five! celebrate yourself even when it feels odd. I have definitely wrought on acknowledging myself and then progress I make with everything I do.

Acknowledging how far I have come and the work I have put in; is a tip of a hat to me. It’s a self-soothing as well because only you know the work you have put into what you have done.

Final Thoughts

In order to Walk into the next chapter, we have to walk out of the last chapter. Everything has an ending point with the inclusion of the stress, anxiety, joys, and happiness.

Give yourself the permission to be the author of your last chapter. Find healing in knowing you are the one that has written the “.”.

15 Insights from my journey: How To Let Go of the Past